游戏直播软件 XSplit Broadcaster Studio 3.4.1806.2229 中文多语免费版

摘要:XSplit Broadcaster Studio 3.4 中文版由(发布。喜欢玩游戏么,想把自己的游戏分享给别人么,想实时的把自己的游戏过程给别人分享么,今天小编(带给大家的是一款游戏直播工具,它就是由 XSplit 出品的 Broadcaste…

XSplit Broadcaster Studio 3.4 中文版(发布。喜欢玩游戏么,想把自己的游戏分享给别人么,想实时的把自己的游戏过程给别人分享么,今天小编(带给大家的是一款游戏直播工具,它就是由 XSplit 出品的 Broadcaster Studio。Broadcaster Studio 是专业和易于使用的广播软件!

游戏直播软件 XSplit Broadcaster Studio 3.4.1806.2229 中文多语免费版

游戏直播软件 XSplit Broadcaster Studio 3.4.1806.2229 中文多语免费版 XSplit Broadcaster Studio 特别版

XSplit Broadcaster Studio 在国外是很常用的视频直播软件,你可以录制游戏的同时让别人一起来欣赏你的超神技术,国外很多高手玩家都拿他来做游戏直播,比如Chaox,Doublelift,HotshotGG,总之他很方便,深受玩家喜爱,国内打部分解说都是使用这款软件的,比如小苍MM。他能很方便的把你录制游戏视频,并且录制完的视频可以直接传到土豆、优酷等知名视频网站。

XSplit Broadcaster目的是在专业或先进的多媒体广播机构.用无尽的功能和灵活的插件实时直播和录制超高品质. XSplit Broadcaster是你可以找到最可靠的直播工具,并广泛被专业播放者和制作人使用.

XSplit Broadcaster Studio 的使用:
先做一些设置,点击“工具”“ 一般设置” ,弹出窗口中选择“常规”,做如下设置:

然后点击“查看”“分辨率”,选择你游戏内的分辨率 ,





Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 **
.NET Framework 3.5
DirectX 10.1 or better
Internet Explorer 9.0
Adobe Flash Player for IE
Windows 8 仅支持 XSplit Broadcaster 1.2 和以上版本.


XSplit Broadcaster Studio 3.4 更新日志
Features and improvements
CPPCORE-XXXX/XBC-7253 – Update to latest internal components
CPPCORE-1554 – Update to NDI component
CPPCORE-1595 – Possible app crash/freeze issue preceded by camera/capture card source showing xsplit watermark
XBC-6880 – Remove Flash prerequisite on certain systems
XBC-7022 – Posting to other FB pages in Share Dialog + Layout improvements
XBC-7048 – Facebook Live Broadcast Plugin Easy Setup Page + other improvements
XBC-7087 – Allow simultaneous download of multiple plugins on search
XBC-7116/7227 – Internal improvements to Projector
XBC-7129 – Offer to install related plugins when new broadcast plugin is setup
XBC-7130 – Make sure Facebook broadcast plugin is always installed when logging in with Facebook
XBC-7150 – Rephrase the revoked token warning message
XBC-7156/7190 – Update to Facebook token integration
XBC-7159 – Automatically set audio input for AVerMedia Live Gamer Ultra (GC553)
XBC-7176/7177 – Improve identification of referral signups
XBC-7188 – Remove 1-10 resize hotkeys

XBC-7249 – Integrate Blackmagic source based on Blackmagic SDK
How to use:
Note: Deinterlacing not working in Legacy video processing

XBC-7281 – Remove “Optimize Scene Transition” option (Feature is already built into the internal components)
XBCPLUGINS-1269 – Localization support for Facebook source plugins
XBCPLUGINS-1299/1300 – Facebook Live Alerts (Beta) Update

CPPCORE-1565 – No longer able to toggle selected source visibility using space bar
CPPCORE-1600 – Refresh of AVerMedia Live Gamer HD2 source causes the video display to show black
XBC-5017 – Prompt to save settings may appear after confirming the restart prompt from Advanced Settings
XBC-6612/7225 – Pressing No to restart after changing advanced settings may still restart
XBC-6656 – My Recordings: Description and tags viewed on one video re-appears on other videos

XBC-6678 – Facebook Live stream may fail to start
Note: Show growl notification if secure streaming (RTMPS) fails to initialize (XBC-7320)

XBC-6899 – Output channel and Ad hotkey can be listed apart on the Hotkeys Tab
XBC-6904 – Splash screen and login window are displayed simultaneously when any dialog appears during login
XBC-6993 – Selecting a non existing directory shows language key on the error message
XBC-7039 – Error when starting stream/recording in some system
XBC-7059 – Missing Broadcast and Recording entries on Hotkeys tab on initial login for new users
XBC-7071 – Log file archive gets dumped on desktop and uploaded file does not have an extension
XBC-7133 – Sharing tab: Non-default account can be left authenticated after removing authorization and then logging in to the app again
XBC-7143 – Incorrect growl appears when stream is immediately stopped
XBC-7147 – Closing the OAuth window also closes the Share Video/Screenshot dialog
XBC-7160 – PUBG/Fortnite not being captured in Window Capture if “Stick to Title” is enabled
XBC-7167 – NullReferenceException may appear upon login
XBC-7172 – Sharing: Post to dropdown is only limited to 25 Facebook pages
XBC-7180 – Background scenes (smooth transition, thumbnail preview) may stay loaded
XBC-7192 – “Remove Authorization” is displayed in Tools > Settings > Sharing tab for Facebook after upgrading from 3.3
XBC-7206 – Incorrect transition duration and playback is in slow mo when PNG sequence is converted to stinger
XBC-7208 – game search does not show full list from server
XBC-7216 – Possible ObjectDisposedException on attempting to stream to unauthenticated YouTube Live channel
XBC-7218 – Sharing: Share video dialog does not open after showing the loader
XBC-7220 – Changing screen projector from scene to live does not update
XBC-7222 – No-Source overlay does not update accordingly while on Split Mode
XBC-7223 – Exception may occur after resizing main window’s height
XBC-7229 – Internal errors with NVENC hardware codec
XBC-7240 – Local Recording cannot be activated in Macros / XBCPLUGINS-1374 – Broadcast and Record functionality not working with Elgato Stream Deck
XBC-7242 – No-Source overlay remains when loading a scene with sources
XBC-7243 – Taskbar icon disappears when application loses focus after dismissing the “presentation rescue” dialog
XBC-7266/T7693 – Plugin Store does not show ‘Update’ button on ‘My Plugins’
XBC-7267 – Incorrect OEM carousel resolution
XBC-7277 – Render from Elgato HD 60 may not be smooth when internal decoding is disabled
XBC-7269 – NDI Source GUI issues
XBC-7283 – Internal fixes to Split mode
XBC-7285 – Internal fixes to Preview window & Thumbnail Preview
XBC-7315 – Mixer FTL stream playback may stutter when NVENC encoder is used with “Automatically save recording on local drive” option checked
XBC-7319 – Some window contents are smaller on 125% DPI scaling
XBCPLUGINS-1114 – Media Slideshow: Clicking on stepper arrows for interval causes memory usage to increase
XBCPLUGINS-1267 – Source properties container disappears after clicking any dropdown using the mouse wheel button





计划日程提醒小工具 Wise Reminder 1.37.92 绿色中文版

2024-6-30 13:49:02


格式工厂视频转换工具 FormatFactory x64 中文免费版

2024-6-30 13:55:06

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