开源数据库管理工具 HeidiSQL 中文多语免费版

摘要:开源数据库管理工具 HeidiSQL  中文版由(www.dayanzai.me)发布。HeidiSQL 是免费软件,其目标是易于学习。 “Heidi”让您可以从运行 MariaDB、MySQL、Microsoft SQL、PostgreSQL 和 SQLite 数据库系统之一的计算机上查看和编辑数据和结构。 …

开源数据库管理工具 HeidiSQL  中文版由(www.dayanzai.me)发布。HeidiSQL 是免费软件,其目标是易于学习。 “Heidi”让您可以从运行 MariaDB、MySQL、Microsoft SQL、PostgreSQL 和 SQLite 数据库系统之一的计算机上查看和编辑数据和结构。 HeidiSQL 由 Ansgar 于 2002 年发明,属于全球最流行的 MariaDB 和 MySQL 工具。

开源数据库管理工具 HeidiSQL 中文多语免费版

开源数据库管理工具 HeidiSQL 中文多语免费版 开源数据库管理工具 HeidiSQL 中文多语免费版

HeidiSQL 功能特色

  • 对所有人免费,开源
  • 在一个窗口中连接到多个服务器
  • 支持的数据库系统:MariaDB、MySQL、MS SQL、PostgreSQL 和 SQLite
  • 通过命令行连接到服务器
  • 通过 SSH 隧道连接,或通过 SSL 设置
  • 创建和编辑表、视图、存储的例程、触发器和计划事件
  • 生成漂亮的 SQL 导出,然后压缩它们,或将它们放在剪贴板上
  • 从一个服务器/数据库直接导出到另一个服务器/数据库
  • 管理用户权限
  • 导入文本文件
  • 将表格行导出为 CSV、HTML、XML、SQL、LaTeX、Wiki 标记和 PHP 数组
  • 使用舒适的网格浏览和编辑表数据
  • 批量编辑表(移至数据库、更改引擎、整理等)
  • 将 ascii 或二进制文件批量插入表中
  • 使用可自定义的语法突出显示和代码完成编写查询
  • 漂亮的重新格式化无序的 SQL
  • 监视和终止客户端进程
  • 在一台服务器的所有数据库的所有表中查找特定文本
  • 批量优化修复表
  • 使用您当前的连接设置启动并行 mysql.exe 命令行窗口
  • 以及更多

使用 MySQL 数据库是一项专业工作,需要在该领域拥有丰富的知识,还需要适当的程序来使任务更轻松。对于开发人员和数据库管理员来说,sorts 或 HeidiSQL 实用程序真的很受欢迎。该软件解决方案着眼于促进兼容数据库的管理,具有相当不错的界面,其中包含管理数据所需的所有功能和命令。

得益于 HeidiSQL 会话管理器背后的创新技术,可以一次建立连接并运行多个数据库。该应用程序可以处理大量任务,并使创建和编辑表成为一项简单的工作。在此程序的帮助下,您还可以创建和运行自定义查询,同时它配备的工具扩展了该实用程序的功能。因此,您可以使用用户管理模块,您可以在其中为将访问数据库的每个用户指定权限。

主机、日志、表、状态或权限等数据可以通过 HeidiSQL 自带的功能轻松刷新。数据库表可以批量编辑,这意味着您可以一次加载多个表并通过“批量表编辑器”处理所有表。

该软件的另一个巧妙功能是只需单击一下即可导出和导入设置。将数据库导出为 SQL 并同步它们的可能性使这一点加倍。其他工具包括 TEXT 和 BLOB 字段内的文件插值、从 CSV 导入数据等。

总而言之,可以肯定地说,HeidiSQL 确实是同类工具中最好的之一,而且由于功能齐全,它应该可以满足许多专门从事该领域的用户的需求。


HeidiSQL 在 Windows 8 和 10、11 上运行良好(在 Windows 7 上有一些小问题)。 在 Wine 上运行 HeidiSQL 目前非常不稳定。

HeidiSQL 许可证

HeidiSQL 是开源的,并在 GPL(GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE)下发布。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅 license.txt。

可能 HeidiSQL 为您节省了很多时间,您会喜欢它。 在这种情况下,您可以在官方进行捐赠支持。


HeidiSQL 12.7.0
3rd party updates:
Issue #1946: update libmariadb.dll and plugin libraries to latest v3.3.8
Update regular expression library to v1.181 2023.11.22, supporting \K pattern to set the begin of a reported match.
Update InnoSetup compiler to v6.2.2
Update VirtualTrees component code to release v8.0.3 (major version update)
Issue #1888: Update plink executables to v0.81
Update madExcept exception handler to v5.1.4
Issue #1905: Update OpenSSL libraries used by libpq-15.dll to v3.1.5
Update SQLite libraries to v3.45.3 from 2024-04-15
New stuff:
Issue #1879: add drop down menu to “Apply filter” button, with an option to overwrite the current filter based on the different input text
Issue #1512: add basic support for indexes with descending column direction
Issue #1429: add “SQL INSERT IGNORE” output format to grid export dialog
Issue #178: add database and table filter boxes above tree view on table tools dialog
Issue #1917: Support additional UCA collations introduced in MariaDB 10.10.1.
Issue #1927: display column comments in completion proposal, give that third column more space to the left and italic style
Table editor: when user runs into the cryptic “constraint is incorrectly formed” message, append a more meaningful line from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS.
Support naming result tabs per “– name: xyz” comment. See https://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=10493
Reorder components in grid export dialog, and convert format radio buttons to combobox. Makes the dialog more wide than high, creating space for wider labels and more format options.
Issue #1930: Grid export: implement JSON Lines format.
Issue #139: Alternating row background colors in table columns list and most other main tabs, if activated by user.
Bugfixes and enhancements:
Enhance readability of focused text in result grid using dark styles. TreeOptions.PaintOptions.toGhostedIfUnfocused grays out text otherwise.
Fix crash in SynCompletionProposalChange, happening when scrolling very fast to the top of the list
Fix crash in f_() function with invalid format specifiers from some translation. Happened in Japanese recently.
Issue #1870: support VARCHAR columns with a length of 0, in temporary fake tables for exporting views
Detect Windows 11 in about dialog, and remove functions only required for the no longer supported Windows Store version
Fix activated SSH tunnel for a network type which does not support that, after changing the network type from an explicit SSH-tunnel-type to a TCP/IP version.
Search replace: ignore numbers in static row id column
Installer: add newly available translations for Hungarian and Bulgarian
Add item in Tools main menu for resetting panels to their default dimensions. Useful for quite a few people who move their app window between screens with different resolutions.
Static row id: always use the color of the session the result belongs to
Performance: call TimerHostUptimeTimer event every 20 seconds only, instead of each second
SQL export dialog: cut long file list down to 20 latest items
Issue #520: Fix crash in sort columns dialog when removing the last column, with a non-default theme
After reformatting SQL code, unify new lines to Windows line feeds, so the selection’s end in SynMemo is correct
Fix retrieving MySQL events from the current database on older servers, work around MySQL bug 41907. See https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=41907#c360194
Make pressed state of favorites button more noticeable, by using the gray-scale icon in unpressed state
Fix emptied “SHOW WARNINGS” pool due to queried @max_error_count in warning dialog. See https://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=41753
Issue #1899: fix wrong column number on column selector above data grid
Issue #1906: provide a new preference option to turn on color icons on inactive tabs again
Issue #1910: Fix CURRENT_TIMESTAMP default text detection as an expression, not as an ordinary string literal, on MySQL 8.0.14+.
Issue #1887: restore old scroll offset in data grid, when refreshing result or paging to the next rows
Issue #1918: Remove leading timestamp from log message when copying to new query tab.
Host tab: use session name as tab caption, and show host name as mouse-over hint. See https://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=41399
Hopefully fix slow loading tabs.
Issue #1923: Fix completion proposal not showing columns of a table alias when table name contains the word “join”.
Issue #355: Fix non-working scrolling with a horizontal mouse wheel in grids, by preferring TWMScroll.Pos over TScrollInfo.nTrackPos (always 0).
Add functions-mysql8.ini with some newer functions in it, and search for version specific ini file when connecting. See https://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=41892
Fix too small foreign columns dropdown, scale controls on TSetEditorLink DPI aware
Issue #1247: Fix invalid SQL code for dropping foreign key constraint in PostgreSQL mode.
Issue #1586: include “COLLATE xyz” clause when applying collation and user checked the “Convert data” option, so the columns do not get the default collation of the new charset
Issue #1934: fix empty column list in completion proposal when user input starts with a quote character
Issue #1933: Update list with known MySQL 8 keywords, taken from https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/keywords.html#keywords-in-current-series
Issue #1939: Fix empty CREATE TABLE code and “List index out of bounds” message in log, due to accessing TTableKey.Collations[x] without being initialized
Issue #321: Fix SQL code in TTableKey.SQLCode for PostgreSQL
Issue #1940: In TSecureShellCmd.Connect, include parallel happened errors in any success dialog. Also, log errors to the log panel when both pipes have content.
Issue #1942: Reset FClipboardHasNull marker before pasting text which was copied outside the application.
Issue #1943: Set DbTree.DefaultNodeHeight in FormShow rather than in FormCreate, to respect DPI settings.
Issue #1931: Support CITEXT columns in Postgres and categorize as text type, so these show up in foreign values pulldown editor of data grid.
Issue #1868: Reset sort order of data tab grid as well, when user clicks “Clear data tab filter”.
Issue #1936: Fix EAbstractError when closing text editor
Issue #1947: don’t change case of detected column names, in CSV parser






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