专业像素绘图软件 Pro Motion NG x64 中文汉化版

摘要:Pro Motion NG 8 中文版由独家汉化。Pro Motion NG 汉化版是一款功能强大的像素绘图软件,具有出色的性能和专业性。它提供了先进的图形引擎,使用户能够以惊人的精度和速度绘制复杂的像素图形和动画。 软件内置了丰富的绘图工具,包括画笔、色彩管理、模型创建等,同时支持顶点编辑、纹理映射、着色器编…

Pro Motion NG 8 中文版由独家汉化。Pro Motion NG 汉化版是一款功能强大的像素绘图软件,具有出色的性能和专业性。它提供了先进的图形引擎,使用户能够以惊人的精度和速度绘制复杂的像素图形和动画。

软件内置了丰富的绘图工具,包括画笔、色彩管理、模型创建等,同时支持顶点编辑、纹理映射、着色器编辑、动画创建和导出等强大功能。此外,Pro Motion NG 还支持多种格式,如 PNG、SVG、JSON 和 XML 等,方便用户将作品导入到其他软件中。

专业像素绘图软件 Pro Motion NG x64 中文汉化版

专业像素绘图软件 Pro Motion NG x64 中文汉化版 Pro Motion NG 中文版

Pro Motion NG 8 中文版功能介绍

  • 使用专业工具集创建像素艺术图像和动画
  • 使用钢笔压力敏感度来调整笔刷大小、抖动、着色等
  • 将图像或动画部分用作笔刷
  • 无缝平铺图案绘制
  • 加载/保存精灵表
  • 对称绘图(镜像、多点)
  • 图块映射编辑器,用于创建游戏世界
  • 全功能调色板编辑器(复制、移动、渐变…)
  • 图层和图层效果(例如视差测试、描边)
  • 创建和使用位图字体
  • 多层绘图网格
  • 像素比例(如 2×1)
  • 画笔容器,用于组织画笔和动画片段
  • 使用深色用户界面皮肤
  • 可同时打开两个以上的项目
  • 浅色表格洋葱皮肤,方便动画制作
  • 超过 2 个图形层
  • 公式绘制模式可扩展实时绘制效果
  • 多层笔刷拾取
  • 以动画形式加载/保存图像
  • 实时抖动绘制
  • 用于导航和洋葱表皮的关键帧设置
  • 更多画笔容器插槽
  • 自动备份功能
  • 更多图案绘制行/列
  • 多阴影绘制模式
  • 抗锯齿
  • 旋转椭圆工具
  • 图层锁定功能
  • 高级遮罩
  • 完美像素绘制
  • 修改键盘快捷键
  • 还有更多功能…

Pro Motion NG 中文版还具备先进的 3D 功能,支持多种 3D 技术,包括光照、反射、折射、材质和纹理等,使得用户能够创建复杂的 3D 模型和动画。同时,它还拥有大量的动画专项功能,如关键帧的添加、动画的自动生成、播放模式修改等,为用户提供了更多的创作可能性。

这款软件在 2017 年 9 月 25 日发行,由 Cosmigo Software Development 开发,并由 BrashMonkey LLC 发行。它已被多个游戏工作室,如 Wayforward 和 HalfBrick 等采用,这证明了其在实际应用中的有效性和可操作性。

支持的操作系统 Windows 7、8、10、11(仅限 x64)。

总的来说,无论用户是专业的艺术家还是动画制作人员,Pro Motion NG 中文版都能帮助他们实现创意想法,创作出高质量的像素图形和动画。如需更多信息,建议访问其官方网站或相关论坛。

Pro Motion NG 许可证



What’s new in Pro Motion NG 8.0.9
May 13, 2024
Showing active file name in taskbar.
Added live update while drawing. The following shortcuts can be used while using a tool and live feedback is given:
switching color
swap first/second color
switching color palette rows
switching gradient
switching between gradient colors
flip gradient
change brush size
Added “Find Shortcuts” function for Shift + Ctrl + P. Lists all shortcuts and lets you find, execute or modify them quickly.
Added shortcuts to inc/dec drawing opacity, opacity toggle and color mix toggle
For new projects the “Save as single images dialog” now presets to folder used last time instead of “documents”.
Added shortcut to open effects settings of active layer.
Highlighting tile mapping sync mode check box if enabled.
Fix: Layer blend mode drop down showed scrollbar but should show all entries instead.
Fix: Mix option for paint mode with alpha transparency not working correctly.
Fix: Some custom shortcuts for timeline actions not working.
Fix: Changes to workspace handling. So far, the default workspace was used when you switch to a project having no explicit workspace assigned.
This had a the negative effect that if you change the workspace and switch to another project having no explicit workspace assigned, the default was enabled again, but this might not be what you want.
If no workspace is assigned to a project, switching projects do not switch workspace any more. This only happens if a project has a workspace assigned.
Also the home screen now does not reset to default workspace any more.
Fix: If a visual grid was defined in project preset config then it was not enabled for display when the grid was enabled. Also added 16×16 drawing grid to default project preset.
Fix: Layer deletion and undo not working with tile map projects when sync mode off. When tile mapping sync mode was off then drawing a layer, deleting it and undoing the deletion did not correctly rebuild layer contents.
Fix: Visual artifacts on canvas when drawing while animation is running.
Fix: Middle mouse panning not working with different interactive tools lite transform.
Fix: Error when opening some dialogs. Create text brush, Edit keyboard shortcut, edit formula settings.
Fix: When using ESC key to close a dialog then active canvas tools have been canceled as well.
Fix: Shortcuts for rotating a transform object used wrong direction.
Fix: Internal error when inverting selection that was not active any more.
Fix: UI overlap at paint mode panel with long paint mode descriptions.
Fix: Folder text display cut off when using display scaling in palette and halftone management dialog-
Fix: Internal error when color palette window was sized to small.
Fix: When switching between projects zoom level changed. If a zoom level below 1 was selected for a project, switching to another project and back, reduced the zoom level.
Same happened when using crop tool.
Fix: Movement lock (Shift) reset after each stroke with freehand paint tools. It’s better to keep the Shift lock position (horizontal, vertical) with these types of tools, even if a stroke was done.
Fix: Some paint modes not correctly working when touching same tile at different position. When using (e.g.) paint mode Shade with a tile map project and drawing over the same tile that is placed at different positions then the shading was applied again, although a tile pixel has already been shaded before at a different position of the tile on the canvas.
Fix: Tile index numbers contained in the brush did not consistently highlight. When having tile index display enabled and grabbing a brush as tile from canvas, the tiles in the brush are shown as purple index numbers on the canvas.
If the sync mode is disabled, a different brush is grabbed and sync mode is enabled again, then the index of the tile is marked purple that was used before.




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