开源 .Net 反汇编工具 dnSpy 6.5.0 + x64 中文绿色免费版

摘要:.Net 反汇编工具 dnSpy + x64 中文绿色版由(www.dayanzai.me)发布。dnSpy 是一款针对 .NET 程序的逆向工程工具,基于 ILSpy 发展而来的 .Net 程序集的编辑,反编译,调试神器。。该项目包含了反编译器,调试器和汇编编辑器等功能组件,而且可以通过自己编写扩展插件的形式…

.Net 反汇编工具 dnSpy + x64 中文绿色版(www.dayanzai.me)发布。dnSpy 是一款针对 .NET 程序的逆向工程工具,基于 ILSpy 发展而来的 .Net 程序集的编辑,反编译,调试神器。。该项目包含了反编译器,调试器和汇编编辑器等功能组件,而且可以通过自己编写扩展插件的形式轻松实现扩展。该项目使用 dnlib 读取和写入程序集,以便处理有混淆代码的程序(比如恶意程序)而不会崩溃。

开源 .Net 反汇编工具 dnSpy 6.5.0 + x64 中文绿色免费版

开源 .Net 反汇编工具 dnSpy 6.5.0 + x64 中文绿色免费版 dnSpy 绿色中文版

dnSpy 主要功能


  • 调试 .NET Framework、.NET 和 Unity 游戏程序集,无需源代码
  • 设置断点并单步执行任何程序集
  • 位置、查看器、自动窗户
  • 变量窗口支持将变量(例如解密的字节数组)保存到磁盘或在十六进制编辑器(内存窗口)中查看它们
  • 对象 ID
  • 可以同时调试多个进程
  • 模块负载中断
  • 跟踪点和条件断点
  • 导出/导入断点和跟踪点
  • 调用堆栈、线程、模块、进程窗口
  • 抛出异常时中断(第一次机会)
  • 变量窗口支持评估 C#/Visual Basic 表达式
  • 可以调试动态模块(但由于 CLR 限制不能调试动态方法)
  • 输出窗口记录各种调试事件,默认显示时间戳:)
  • 可以调试在运行时自行解密的程序集,dnSpy 将使用内存中的映像。 您还可以强制 dnSpy 始终使用内存中的映像而不是磁盘文件。
  • 公共API,您可以编写扩展或使用C# Interactive 窗口来控制调试器


  • 所有元数据都可以编辑
  • 使用 IntelliSense 在 C# 或 Visual Basic 中编辑方法和类,无需源代码
  • 在 C# 或 Visual Basic 中添加新方法、类或成员
  • 用于低级 IL 方法体编辑的 IL 编辑器
  • 可以编辑低级元数据表。 这在内部使用十六进制编辑器。


  • 点击反编译代码中的某个地址,即可在十六进制编辑器中转到其 IL 代码
  • 与上述相反,在十六进制编辑器的 IL 主体中按 F12 可转到反编译代码或位的其他高级表示。 很高兴找出补丁修改了哪条语句。
  • 重点介绍 .NET 元数据结构和 PE 结构
  • 工具提示显示有关所选 .NET 元数据/PE 字段的更多信息
  • 转到位置、文件、RVA
  • 转到 .NET 元数据标记、方法主体、#Blob / #Strings / #US 堆偏移量或 #GUID 堆索引
  • 遵循参考文献 (Ctrl+F12)


  • BAML 反编译器
  • 蓝色、浅色和深色主题(以及深色高对比度主题)
  • 书签
  • C# 交互式窗口可用于编写 dnSpy 脚本
  • 在程序集中搜索类、方法、字符串等
  • 分析类和方法的使用情况,查找调用者等
  • 多个选项卡和选项卡组
  • 引用突出显示,使用 Tab / Shift+Tab 移至下一个引用
  • 转到入口点和模块初始化命令
  • 转到元数据标记或元数据行命令
  • 代码工具提示(C# 和 Visual Basic)
  • 导出到项目

dnSpy 使用的其他开源库列表

  • ILSpy 反编译器引擎(C# 和 Visual Basic 反编译器)
  • Roslyn(C# 和 Visual Basic 编译器)
  • dnlib(.NET 元数据读取器/编写器,也可以读取混淆的程序集)
  • VS MEF(更快的 MEF 等于更快的启动)
  • ClrMD(访问 CorDebug API 未提供的较低级别调试信息)
  • Iced(x86/x64 反汇编程序)

.net 反编译工具 Dnspy 开发人员可以使用它反编译 .NET 代码,以了解它是如何工作的,学习或指导 .NET 语言的复杂性,提供一个更好的替代库的文档,恢复丢失或不可用的源代码,定位性能问题,分析依赖关系,检查混淆

支持.NET1.0, 2.0,.NET 3.5,.NET 4.0等

还记得 Spy++ 吗?在 Win32 时代,这个软件对于我们分析一个陌生软件的设计思路可谓立下汗马功劳。在如今的 .NET 时代,Reflector 又成为每个严肃的 .NET 开发人员工具箱中必不可少的精髓工具之一。怎么样,请赶紧试锋吧。

同时界面采用 VS 2015 的风格,重点是开源的,可以随便进行 DIY。代码高亮酷炫,实在是逆向神器。

dnSpy 许可证

GPL v3


dnSpy 6.5.0 Latest
New features:
dnSpy now runs on .NET 8 and .NET Framework 4.8.
dnSpy now handles TypeRef rows with a ResolutionScope of 0 in the same way as the CLR rather than following the ECMA specification.
The low-level metadata editor is now aware of the implications of the #JTD metadata stream being present.
Enable Windows targetting in project files to allow compiling on other platforms (Note: dnSpy will still only run on Windows due to the WPF dependency)
Added binding redirects for various common assemblies with frequent version bumps to make extensions compiled for older versions load more seamlessly.
Added support for new resource serialization formats added as part of System.Resources.Extensions
Added a new, opt-out, update checker which runs on startup and will display an update notification in a new information bar component.
C# Interactive now references additional libraries giving access to newer features like Span<T> or immutable collections.
Enabled Server and concurrent GC as well as RDP hardware acceleration in the .NET 8 builds
ILSpy Decompiler:
Added support for C# ref types to the decompiler – ref types are now correctly decompiled into the proper C# syntax instead of being decompiled into pointer types.
Added support for C# function pointers to the decompiler – Function pointers are now correctly represented using the C# syntax rather than simple types of name method
The debugger now supports displaying tuple element names, dynamic types, and native integer types defined in custom attributes.
The debugger expression evaluator now includes support for tuple element names and dynamic types.
Debugger tool windows now use the correct C# 9 function pointer syntax as well as the correct ref type syntax.
Display a message dialog when valid metadata cannot be obtained when executing the Open module from memory command.
Added an additional option to the .NET Framework start debugging dialog to override the CLR version to use for debugging purposes. This can be helpful for files that use obfuscated native loaders when dnSpy can’t automatically detect the correct CLR version.
Improvements and bug fixes:
Fixed loading XML documentation for System.Private.CoreLib.dll.
Improve the method overridden by analyzer to take into account explicit overrides in the metadata.
Minor improvements to the low-level metadata table editor.
Improve dependency assembly resolution for cases where .NET Core/.NET 5+ or .NET Framework 2.0 might not be installed.
Improve performance of members overridden by analyzers.
Prevent the dependency assembly resolver from performing IO calls on assembly references with invalid file names.
Minor improvements to the member analyzer to reduce false positives.
Fixed some null reference errors that could occur when deleting a member or type that was still referenced in a module.
Improve assembly resolution performance when the module list is frozen (this is a backend change, no behavioral changes will be observable)
Updated Chinese translations.
Fixed some cases where expressions generated for the expression evaluator were missing parenthesis leading to errors.
Improve formatting of multi-dimensional array types in the local, watch, and autos windows.
Extend the breakpoint filter expression evaluator to allow for more complicated expressions.
Fixed a bug that caused the Raw Locals view to fail when the assembly referenced multiple core libraries.
Improve handling of dynamic types in Raw Locals display mode.
Extend support for attaching to Unity processes (by @rigdern)
Gracefully handle the case when the CorDebug IMetaDataImport interface cannot be obtained for a given module.
Improve the accuracy of the Break on entry point and break on module constructor feature for single file bundle debugging.
ILSpy Decompiler:
Usual round of optimizations and performance improvements.
Fixed incorrect methodof decompilation for ldtoken of a method.
Corrected expected prefixes on call and ldftn instructions.
Improve ambiguous type name analysis to include namespace names as ambiguous identifiers.
Improve IL disassembler display of function pointer types.
Improve decompilation of array access through special methods defined on array signatures.
BAML decompiler:
Improve decompilation and detection of BAML connection ID mappings found in method bodies.
Improve behavior when member and type references cannot be resolved to the declaring definitions due to missing dependencies.
Added support for specially declared BAML attributes – xml:lang and xml:space are now properly decompiled on all occasions.
Avoid outputting invalid identifier characters by ensuring all identifiers are escaped before being written to the output.
Fixed a crash in the BAML decompiler which could occur when assembly references were missing.






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