免费开源财务管理软件 GnuCash 5.6 中文多语免费版

摘要:GnuCash 中文版由(www.dayanzai.me)发布。GnuCash 是一个可以用于个人或小型企业的免费财务软件,免费授权于 GNU GPL 软件,它支持多种操作系统,包括 GNU/Linux、BSD、Solaris、Mac OS X 以及微软 Windows。支持多国语言,当然还少不了简体中文。Gn…

GnuCash 中文版(www.dayanzai.me)发布。GnuCash 是一个可以用于个人或小型企业的免费财务软件,免费授权于 GNU GPL 软件,它支持多种操作系统,包括 GNU/Linux、BSD、Solaris、Mac OS X 以及微软 Windows。支持多国语言,当然还少不了简体中文。GnuCash 被设计为使用简单,但功能强大并且灵活。GnuCash 中文版允许您跟踪银行账户、股票、收入和支出。就像日常纸质账簿一样可以直观并且快速的使用。它基于专业的会计理念,以确保平衡的账簿和精准的报表。

免费开源财务管理软件 GnuCash 5.6 中文多语免费版

免费开源财务管理软件 GnuCash 5.6 中文多语免费版 免费开源财务管理软件 GnuCash 中文版

GnuCash 软件特色

GnuCash 是使用起来更简单,作为一个支票簿登记。它的简单得多了一份文件登记的,因为自动完成和其他入境简捷的途径,不仅为您工作,但同时降低了数据录入错误。

GnuCash 允许你输入数据,从上线的银行对账单和软件包使用qif (加快?交换格式) , ofx 和 hbci 档案。一个简单易用”的 DRUID “您一步步检讨造成的变化和实际进口到 GnuCash。

调和每月报表很快进入声明期末余额,并检查过交易。 gnucash帮助你赶上任何差异,你的数据和报表,你得到的。

GnuCash 提供了一系列的方式来跟踪你的投资组合。专门投资帐户,简化数据录入,及网上工具,让您更新价格贵控股,因为市场的变化。报告完成图片,让您分析您的投资决策。

GnuCash 允许你跟踪多个货币。如果你有银行帐户,投资或其他财务数据在不同的货币,使用 GnuCash 来监督他们。

报告和图表,让你的宝贵资料存档税收,预算编制,或干脆弄清楚钱花在什么地方。 GnuCash 提供了多种不同的易于使用的报告和图表,以帮助分析你的财务状况。这会让你在自由定制您自己的报告,以满足您的特殊需求。

以提供完整的记录, GnuCash 采用复式记账法记账。复式记账简单,就是钱不只是出现或消失-相同金额必须来自一个地点到另一个地点。通过跟踪交易在这两个地方, GnuCash 会给你详细的报告,从这个角度无论户口。

每日秘诀对话框,让有用的提示,以新的使用者约有 GnuCash 特点。内部程式,可检索帮助菜单指南,你的信息或连接到 GnuCash 网页,以获得进一步的协助。 GnuCash 还具有很强的,有帮助的开发商和用户社区的人提供帮助,通过邮件列表,以及通过IRC频道。

GnuCash 提供了许多捷径,以帮助你输入数据。类型首数字一个共同的入口和 GnuCash 将自动填写在休息!您也可以使用复制,粘贴和复制功能,以节省打字时间。键盘快捷方式,让您快速选择一个菜单选项或进入数值数据。许多数字输入领域,可以作为一个计算器:输入” 92.18 33.26 ” ,并观赏 GnuCash 输入相应的款项给你!

GnuCash 并不隐藏其方法。如果您想知道如何 GnuCash 计算出一个数字,你可以找到它。另外,你还可以设定喜好告诉 GnuCash 多少资料,以展示给你。还有什么”秘密代码”用于 GnuCash -它仍然是一个开放原始码计画。

这些都是只是少数的优势,你会发现,当你开始使用 GnuCash 跟踪您的财务信息。现在做好准备,以享受 GnuCash 吧!

GnuCash 许可证

GPL v2


What’s new in GnuCash 5.6
Apr 1, 2024
Between 5.5 and 5.6, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
Bug 798946 – start/end of current/last quarter have off-by-one error
Bug 799093 – Cannot reconcile since v5.4
Bug 799179 – SLR won’t allow change from “Reminder” to any other state
Bug 799210 – Bad encoding of accented chars in account names in “Import CSV” wizard
Bug 799213 – SIGSEGV caused by revising an auto completed transaction
Bug 799222 – Crash when changing the parent of an account that has had two or more levels of sub-accounts auto-created using the register in the current session.
Bug 799224 – Import of QIF gets Bug detected during duplicates (partial fix: If the new-splits object is null, it means the new account tree from the current import has no splits. Therefore the (apply min|max dates) will fail. Omitting the date query is a simple fix to prevent crashing. This is a partial fix because the crash is likely a symptom of another bug which causes the new account-tree to be empty.
Bug 799225 – QIF Importer Crashes Silently after “Start Import” Button: Don’t allow a QIF investment transaction without an action (buy/sell/etc)
Bug 799246 – import matcher will rename incorrect splits
The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:
Numeric parsing and string handling improvements in the Engine and XML backend.
[gnc-dense-cal.c] sx popup: show date in preference (cf.locale) format because the date format preference is user-facing and customisable. it’s jarring if the preference is dd/mm/yyyy and the display shows mm/dd/yyyy in accordance to the locale.
Correct misleading description about creating Scheduled Transaction.
Date parsing efficiency improvements.
Update minumum Python version to 3.8, made necessary by updating the C API in the Python bindings.
Replace deprecated distutils.sysconfig with sysconfig. distutils is not present in Python 3.12.2.
Query user via dialog for date when creating a reverse transaction.
More C++ conversions
Avoid deprecation warning for -py3 in swig >= 4.1
[gnc-commodities.cpp] gnc_new_iso_codes is a std::unordered_map
Replace some naked for loops with C++ algorithms
Convert gnc-commodity to C++ and make GncQuoteSources a C++ class.
[test-commodities.cpp] add some tests for gnc_quote_sources
Remove the SLR status sort as it is too confusing
Allow sorting of the transaction column in the Since Last Run dialog by schedule name or occurrence date. To sort by schedule name, a schedule name is first selected and then the column header is pressed to change order. To sort by occurrence date, a date is selected and then the column header is pressed to change order based on the date of the first occurrence. A tool tip has been added to indicate the sort order being used.
[gtest-gnc-numeric] add operator comparisons with example int64 numbers
[assistant-stock-transaction] store & retrieve associated account as metadata
Update Form/Schedule line references for 2023 for the US Income Tax Report
Update another gnucash-help to gnucash-manual
[invoice.scm] centralize layout components into layout-key-list instead of maintaining 2 assoc lists.
[invoice.scm] normalize header section generators, changing the functions to require 1 options argument only
Update invoice.scm: Add spacing for long Invoice ID’s (Displayed as “Reference” on the Invoice)
New and Updated Translations: Croatian, Dutch, English (Australia), English (New Zealand), English (United Kingdom), French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Between 5.5 and 5.6, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
Bug 799237 – Dead Link
The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:
C, de:Manual:Finance-Quote: Note about Expected Time Commitment
C, de:Manual:Finance-Quote: Tip about ‘gnc-fq-update: Command not found’
docbook: gnc-gui-de: Improve accelerator of menuitems
Link https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Documentation_Translation#The_Procedure in recent gnc-gui-*.dtd files
Replace *dquote entities by <quote> tags
C:Manual:Tools:Unify main section titles and other minor improvements
Unify filename extension
C:Manual:CSV Import: show icons
xmlformat: Apply changes at the element ‘screeninfo’
xmlformat.conf: new element ‘screeninfo’ with no entry- and no exit-break
New and Updated Translations: German







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