开源免费 Torrent 客户端 BiglyBT + x64 中文多语免费版

摘要:开源免费 BT 种子客户端 BiglyBT 中文版由(www.dayanzai.me)发布。BiglyBT 的源代码,这是一个功能丰富,开源,无广告的 Bittorrent 客户端。 BiglyBT 由 Vuze/Azureus 开发,由两个原始开发人员以及社区成员维护。 经过 15 年的发展,我们很有可能拥有…

开源免费 BT 种子客户端 BiglyBT 中文版(www.dayanzai.me)发布。BiglyBT 的源代码,这是一个功能丰富,开源,无广告的 Bittorrent 客户端。 BiglyBT 由 Vuze/Azureus 开发,由两个原始开发人员以及社区成员维护。 经过 15 年的发展,我们很有可能拥有您所需要的功能,以及您所不希望的已有数十年的 bug。

开源免费 Torrent 客户端 BiglyBT + x64 中文多语免费版

开源免费 Torrent 客户端 BiglyBT + x64 中文多语免费版 开源免费 BT 客户端 BiglyBT 中文版

BiglyBT 是一个免费的开源 Torrent 客户端,由 Azureus 设计,保留了其受欢迎的功能并添加了新的实用功能。它不包含广告或横幅,并且安装程序未捆绑任何第三方工具。

BiglyBT 功能特色

基于 Azureus 的 Torrent 客户端
安装程序是可定制的。除了与 BiglyBT 关联的 torrent 文件并选择 UI 模式(边栏,经典)外,您还可以排除 Swarm Discoveries(列出其他人下载的洪流和您下载的洪流)和 Message Sync(提供分散的公共使用默认渠道进行匿名种子,标签,订阅和跟踪器的匿名聊天)。

其他模块包括位置提供程序,远程插件,Tor 帮助程序(通过 Tor 提供备份连接,但不通过 Tor 传输种子)和 I2P 帮助程序(通过匿名 I2P 网络下载,包括 DHT 对分散跟踪的支持)。

在启动时,BiglyBT 会测试您的 Internet 连接,以检测并应用最佳速度设置。如果您已经在使用 Azureus 或 Vuvez 并希望切换到 BiglyBT,则可以迁移配置设置,下载和插件,就像将设置从另一个浏览器从 Web 浏览器导入一样。


可以限制下载和上传速度,按IP地址过滤源,要求该工具定期重新检查不完整的片段,以及重命名显示的文件。另外,您可以提供对其他设备的远程访问,以便能够控制种子,匿名与其他 BiglyBT 用户聊天或通过创建朋友列表等等。

BiglyBT 的大部分功能都归功于插件,可以随时禁用它们。如果您想获得群体的 3D 视图,在嵌入式媒体播放器中加载电影,将应用程序与 iTunes 集成等等,可以从开发人员的网站上获取新的插件。

有前途的免费开源 torrent 客户端
在我们的测试中,文件被迅速下载,而该实用程序仍然很少使用系统资源。它在使用最新 Java 的 Windows 10 上正常运行没有问题。

考虑到所有方面,BiglyBT 可能是市场上的新事物,但它似乎具有与更大的 Torrent 客户竞争的所有必要工具。我们期待新的功能和改进。

BiglyBT 使用步骤

BiglyBT 是一款自由开源的 BitTorrent 客户端,它可以帮助用户下载和管理种子文件。下面是使用 BiglyBT 的步骤:

  1. 下载和安装 BiglyBT:你可以从 BiglyBT 官网上下载适合你操作系统的安装包,并按照提示进行安装。
  2. 添加种子文件:打开 BiglyBT,在主界面点击“文件”菜单,选择“打开种子文件”。在弹出的对话框中选择你要下载的种子文件,然后点击“打开”。
  3. 配置下载选项:在种子被添加到 BiglyBT 后,你可以选择下载的文件,并配置一些下载选项,例如下载速度限制、连接数限制等。这些选项可以在主界面上的“配置”选项卡中进行设置。
  4. 开始下载:完成如上设置后,你可以开始下载文件了。在主界面上,点击“后台模式”按钮启动下载任务。
  5. 监管下载任务:在下载过程中,你可以在主界面上查看下载状态。你可以看到下载的百分比、下载速度、上传速度以及剩余下载时间等信息。
  6. 暂停或取消下载:如果你需要暂停或取消下载任务,只需要在主界面上右键点击任务,然后选择“暂停”或“取消”。

BiglyBT 是一个功能强大且易于使用的 BitTorrent 客户端。无论你是否是 BitTorrent 的高级使用者,都能够轻松的下载和管理文件。

BiglyBT 许可证

GPL v2


What’s new in BiglyBT
Apr 25, 2024
FEATURE: Tag | Added tag constraint variable “file_count_selected” and “count” function [Parg]
FEATURE: Tag | Added “trackers” variable to Tag Constraints [Parg]
FEATURE: Tag | Added Tag Overview “tag sort auto” column [Parg]
FEATURE: Tag | Added “trackerPeers” and “trackerSeeds” Tag constraint functions [Parg]
FEATURE: Tag | Added tag constraint function “pluginOption” [Parg]
FEATURE: Tag | Allow comments in tag constraints [Parg]
FEATURE: Tag | Support empty constraint expression [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Added method to add torrents to SimpleAPI plugin [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Added progress indicators for SimpleAPI torrent download [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Added SimpleAPI plugin method to set download plugin options [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added option to automatically create a sub-folder for simple torrents [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Option to set files to high priority when <n> pieces remaining [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added global setting for file priority pieces remaining [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Add “completed” to generated feed [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Make banning of HTTP seeds download specific [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added “test mode” to “search for existing data files” [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added an “Archive” toolbar item [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Support tag/category filter matching in subscription results [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added country chat sub-tab in Peer views [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added option to remember response to “add separate download” prompt [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | CTRL+a -> select all in progress report window [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added “Close View” file menu item in sidebar view [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Support additional launch helper for “show file” operation [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added option to control side bar double-click pop-out type [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added option to disable UI updates when minimised [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added blocked icons for up/down speed when disabled [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Separate seeds/peers columns for subs/search results [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Option to reset all table views [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added option to set table column defaults for new views [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added “grabbed” column to subscription results [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Show entry limit in title [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Add “select all” to column header menu [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Show byte size in tooltip [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Dual architecture .biglybt plugin files getting larger [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Merge tracker URLs when auto importing and existing download found [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Consider compact files for removal even if complete [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Propagate tags from magnet auto import [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Try to revert to magnet download when link fails [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Don’t rename download display name from magnet ‘dn’ if disabled [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Better support for extracting RSS fields from the description [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | “leechers” overrides “peers” in RSS feeds if both present [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Ignore enclose size for RSS feeds that are probably torrent file sizes [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Lowered DHT request timeout [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Support /a for tracker URL scrape replacement [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Don’t lower-case regular expressions in subs filters [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Remove non-matching subscription results [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Serialise file skip operations [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Add start timestamp to progress reporter details [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Added chat key to status text [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Stack progress dialogs more sensibly [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Change scale values to show most recent rather than average [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Try a different tray icon on Linux [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Make the new-torrent wizard remember selected files etc across panels [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Remove logging config view network diagnostics generation as broken [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese translation update [Havokdan]
CHANGE: UI | bg_BG: Bulgarian translation update [andreshko]
CHANGE: UI | et_EE: Estonian translation update [priit.uring]
CHANGE: UI | de_DE: German translation update [Georg Engelmann]
CHANGE: UI | hu_HU: Hungarian translation update [Phoenix]
CHANGE: UI | ja_JP: Japanese translation update [tetoria]
CHANGE: UI | ru_RU: Russian translation update [adem4ik,antonsoroko]
CHANGE: UI | es_VE: Spanish (Venezuela) translation update [javier.nv]
CHANGE: UI | tr_TR: Turkish translation update [BouRock]
BUGFIX: Tag | Remove tag from group when deleted [Parg]
BUGFIX: Tag | Need to apply tag filter to groups [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Reduce locking in magnet downloader [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Don’t request public IP when we don’t need it [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | Delete imported torrent file if required [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix subscription extraction from array of subs [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Don’t force-start completed update torrents [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Need one more loop on errors [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Handle already completed and queued download [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Ensure DHT contact liveness set correctly on create [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Skip IPv6 UDP tracker addresses when IPv6 disabled [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix selected tag not being shown in tag selection menu [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix wrapping of comment line [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Auto restart prompt is SWT Only [TuxPaper]
BYGFIX: UI | Update category tag group name on locale change [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed category tag-type internationalisation [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed some locale switching [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed localisation of dashboard views [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Prevent changing value via scrolling over a Combo [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed no scroll in Tag Constraints field [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix sort order of some hash columns [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix scale not updating until subsequent refresh [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix no draw if only trimmable source [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Don’t attempt to wrap cells that aren’t deep enough [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Some minor Windows dark mode fixes [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix search box background in subs view + windows dark [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix google search command line [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix some default column setup issues; “reset” -> use explicit default [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix valid URL foreground in Windows dark mode [Parg]




免费 Windows 系统重装工具 Dism++ 10.1.1002.2 中文多语免费版

2024-7-1 14:15:55



2024-7-1 14:18:14

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