下载量超过400万次!CubePDF Page – 简易高效的 PDF 合并与拆分工具

摘要:下载量超过 400 万次!CubePDF Page 中文版 – 简易高效的 PDF 合并与拆分工具。CubePDF Page 是一款专为 Windows 用户设计的 PDF 处理软件,凭借其简易的操作界面和高效的文件处理能力,它已成为广大用户合并和拆分 PDF 文件的首选工具。截至目前,该软件的下载量已超过 400 万…

下载量超过 400 万次!CubePDF Page 中文版 – 简易高效的 PDF 合并与拆分工具。CubePDF Page 是一款专为 Windows 用户设计的 PDF 处理软件,凭借其简易的操作界面和高效的文件处理能力,它已成为广大用户合并和拆分 PDF 文件的首选工具。截至目前,该软件的下载量已超过 400 万次,足见其受欢迎程度。


CubePDF Page 以其直观易用的界面和强大的文件处理能力,为用户提供了便捷的 PDF 合并与拆分体验。只需简单地拖放 PDF 文件或图像文件(BMP、PNG、JPEG、GIF、TIFF),然后点击相应的“合并”或“拆分”按钮,即可轻松完成操作。这一功能使得用户能够轻松地将多个PDF 文件或图像文件合并为一个统一的 PDF 文件,或将一个 PDF 文件拆分成多个独立的文件。

下载量超过400万次!CubePDF Page – 简易高效的 PDF 合并与拆分工具

下载量超过400万次!CubePDF Page – 简易高效的 PDF 合并与拆分工具 CubePDF Page 中文多语免费版

如何使用CubePDF Page


CubePDF Page 提供了一个简洁直观的图形用户界面(GUI),使用户能够轻松上手。只需将需要合并或拆分的文件拖放到软件界面中,然后点击相应的按钮即可完成操作。这种设计使得即使是初次使用的用户也能快速掌握使用方法,并享受高效的 PDF 处理体验。


除了支持 PDF 文件外,CubePDF Page 还支持多种常见的图像格式,如 PNG、JPEG、BMP 和 TIFF 等。这意味着用户可以将这些图像文件与 PDF 文件一起合并,创建出内容丰富、形式多样的 PDF 文档。


CubePDF Page 还提供了丰富的安全设置选项,帮助用户保护 PDF 文件的安全性。用户可以设置密码来保护 PDF 文件,限制打印、复制文本和图像、插入和删除页面等操作。这些设置可以有效防止未经授权的访问和修改,确保文件内容的安全可靠。


作为一款开源软件(OSS),CubePDF Page 允许任何人自由使用,无论是个人用户还是企业用户。无需支付任何费用,即可享受其强大的 PDF 处理功能。此外,由于其开源性质,用户还可以从 GitHub 等平台上获取其源代码,进行自定义修改和扩展。

CubePDF Utility:更高级的 PDF 编辑工具

对于需要更高级 PDF 编辑功能的用户,我们推荐您尝试使用CubePDF Utility。这款软件提供了更复杂的页面编辑功能,如提取或删除部分 PDF 页面、重新排列页面顺序、旋转页面等。请注意,CubePDF Utility是独立于CubePDF Page 的软件,如果您需要这些高级功能,请从 CubePDF Utility 页面下载并安装。


CubePDF Page 支持在 Microsoft Windows 操作系统下运行(x86/x64)。为了获得最佳的性能和兼容性,我们建议您安装 .NET Framework 3.5 或更高版本(推荐使用4.7或更高版本)。这样,您就可以充分利用 CubePDF Page 的强大功能,轻松处理各种 PDF 文件了。


What’s new in CubePDF Page 5.0.0
Jun 27, 2024
Updates on i18n Support:
Since CubePDF Page version 4.0.0, the GUI has supported English in addition to Japanese, leading to increased use by non-Japanese users. With user support, we have furthered multilingual support by adding German (since version 4.2.0) and Simplified Chinese (since version 5.0.0). In version 5.0.0, we made enhancements to facilitate future multilingual support more easily.
Procedure for Adding New Language Support:
Here, we briefly describe the procedure for adding support for a new language in CubePDF Page. This process typically involves submitting a Pull Request (PR) to the CubePDF repository on GitHub. Languages that have already been supported can be found in the Applications/Pages/Main/Sources/Texts directory.
First, copy the English.cs file in the specified directory and rename it to the name of the language you want to support. For example, to support the ABC language, rename it to Abc.cs. Next, open Abc.cs in a text editor, change the class name from EnglishText to the name of the language (e.g., AbcText for ABC), and translate the English parts within the quotation marks on each line.
Support for Simplified Chinese:
As mentioned earlier, version 5.0.0 now supports Simplified Chinese. This was achieved thanks to a Pull Request by @wcxu21. We sincerely appreciate your support.
Fix for Sorting Selected Files:
Since version 4.0.0, CubePDF Page has been sorting selected PDF and image files by filename upon insertion. However, there were reports of the sorting order not aligning with user expectations for certain files. In version 5.0.0, we have fixed this issue. For example, the sorting order for the files File8.pdf, File8-2.pdf, File9.pdf, and File10.pdf is now as follows:
version 3.0.2 … File8-2.pdf, File8.pdf, File9.pdf, File10.pdf
version 4.0.0 … File8.pdf, File8-2.pdf, File9.pdf, File10.pdf
Add Setting for Sorting Selected Files:
Additionally, version 4.0.0 introduces a setting that allows users to enable or disable the sorting feature for selected files. When the Sort selected files automatically option is disabled, CubePDF Page will use the file order as provided by Windows without applying its own sorting.
Support for ARM64 Windows:
Cube series is now also supporting ARM64 Windows, and CubePDF Page 5.0.0 has also released ARM64 edition. Users who have been using the x86 edition are requested to uninstall it first and then install the ARM64 edition.
Other Updates:
Other updates include:
Update iText to 8.0.4.




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