开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 6.0.0a5 x64 中文免费版

摘要:开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 中文版由发布。Spyder 是一个强大的科学环境,用 Python 编写,适用于 Python,由科学家、工程师和数据分析师设计,并为他们设计。 它提供了综合开发工具的高级编辑、分析、调试和剖析功能与科学包的数据探索、交互式执行、…

开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 中文版发布。Spyder 是一个强大的科学环境,用 Python 编写,适用于 Python,由科学家、工程师和数据分析师设计,并为他们设计。 它提供了综合开发工具的高级编辑、分析、调试和剖析功能与科学包的数据探索、交互式执行、深度检查和美观的可视化功能的独特组合。

除了许多内置功能外,它的功能还可以通过其插件系统和 API 进一步扩展。 此外,Spyder 还可以用作 PyQt5 扩展库,允许您构建其功能并将其组件(例如交互式控制台)嵌入到您自己的软件中。

开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 6.0.0a5 x64 中文免费版

开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 6.0.0a5 x64 中文免费版 开源免费 Python 开发环境 Spyder 中文版

Spyder 核心组件

在带有函数/类浏览器、实时代码分析工具(pyflakes、pylint 和 pycodestyle)、自动代码完成(绝地和绳索)、水平/垂直拆分和转到定义的多语言编辑器中高效工作.

利用完整的工作区和调试支持,利用任意数量的 IPython 控制台的强大功能,所有这些都在完整 GUI 界面的灵活性范围内。立即按行、单元格或文件运行您的代码,并在输出中或在交互式窗口中直接渲染绘图。

使用 Sphinx 从编辑器或控制台实时呈现任何类或函数的文档,无论是外部的还是用户创建的。

检查在会话期间创建的任何变量、函数或对象。许多常见类型都支持编辑和交互,包括数字/字符串/布尔值、Python 列表/元组/字典、日期/时间增量、Numpy 数组、Pandas 索引/系列/数据帧、PIL/枕头图像等。


Spyder 是一个用 Python 编写的免费开源科学环境,适用于 Python,由科学家、工程师和数据分析师设计,并为他们设计。 它具有综合开发工具的高级编辑、分析、调试和剖析功能与科学包的数据探索、交互式执行、深度检查和美观的可视化功能的独特组合。

Spyder 简体中文设置

Tools – Preferences – Application – Advanced settings – language – 简体中文,点击 Apply 应用后重启应用程序即可。

Spyder 许可证

MIT 许可证


What’s new in Spyder 6.0.0 Alpha 5
Apr 24, 2024
Issues Closed:
Issue 22008 – Spyder 6.0 alpha5 release (PR 22017 by @dalthviz)
Issue 21900 – IPython Console does not start if debugpy is not available (6.0 alpha4) (PR 21926 by @ccordoba12)
Issue 21882 – Connect errors without specific handling triggered while doing a check for updates to our error report dialog (PR 21836 by @mrclary)
Issue 21876 – %runcell can not edit locals (PR 21875 by @impact27)
Issue 21855 – menuinst Exception: Nothing to do: traceback when installing Spyder 6.0.0a4 in a new conda env
Issue 21849 – Message without translation in the tour (PR 21880 by @ccordoba12)
Issue 21776 – Standalone installers for 6.0 alpha4 are incorrectly named and Mac installer failed to build (PR 21782 by @mrclary)
Issue 21627 – Larger dataframes with columns on the far right doesnt display max values when clicking on their column names twice + Other bugs (PR 21913 by @jitseniesen)
Issue 21556 – Follow up to work that added refresh buttons to editors from the Variable Explorer (PR 21666 by @jitseniesen)
Issue 21468 – Editor error while closing a project (PR 21918 by @dalthviz)
Issue 17807 – Spyder not conform PEP3120 (PR 21804 by @jitseniesen)
Issue 12193 – Move Editor plugin to use new API (PR 21353 by @dalthviz)
Issue 9148 – Low quality matplotlib inline plots on hidpi display (PR 21812 by @jitseniesen)
Issue 7609 – Add a shortcut to create a new cell
Pull Requests Merged:
PR 22017 – PR: Update core dependencies for 6.0.0 alpha5, by @dalthviz (22008)
PR 22006 – PR: Fix adding corner widgets in dockable plugins (API), by @ccordoba12
PR 21948 – PR: Fix getting IPython version for external conda environments (IPython console), by @ccordoba12
PR 21945 – PR: Remove icons from standard buttons in dialogs (UI/UX), by @ccordoba12
PR 21934 – PR: Correct icon colors for remote connection dialog following WCAG 2 guidelines, by @conradolandia
PR 21926 – PR: Add benign error when debugpy is not available (IPython console), by @ccordoba12 (21900)
PR 21918 – PR: Add validation for editor.sideareas_color over debugger panel, by @dalthviz (21468)
PR 21913 – PR: Fix issues with scrolling in dataframe editor (Variable Explorer), by @jitseniesen (21627)
PR 21883 – PR: Add icon to represent clearing the console (IPython console), by @conradolandia
PR 21880 – PR: Add missing string for translation (Tours), by @ccordoba12 (21849)
PR 21875 – PR: Allow magic to edit locals while debugging, by @impact27 (21876)
PR 21871 – PR: Fix issue where Spyder started automatically before conda-based installer exited, by @mrclary
PR 21857 – PR: UI improvements to configuration pages and other widgets, by @ccordoba12
PR 21852 – PR: Update to codecov/action@v4 (CI), by @mrclary
PR 21848 – PR: Add icons for the remote connection dialog, by @conradolandia
PR 21844 – PR: Make SpyderPalette inherit from QDarkStyle palettes and remove QStylePalette, by @conradolandia
PR 21836 – PR: Only show UpdateManager statusbar widget while updating and when updates are available, by @mrclary (21882)
PR 21813 – PR: Additional UI/UX improvements for Files and Projects, by @ccordoba12
PR 21812 – PR: Change default resolution of plots to 144 dpi, by @jitseniesen (9148)
PR 21804 – PR: Use UTF-8 by default for Python files per PEP3120, by @jitseniesen (17807)
PR 21788 – PR: Avoid conda run capturing output in env activation (IPython console), by @ccordoba12
PR 21785 – PR: Do not use version in artifact name (Installers), by @mrclary
PR 21782 – PR: Fix release build issues, by @mrclary (21776)
PR 21666 – PR: Unify UI of editors in Variable Explorer and simplify code, by @jitseniesen (21556)
PR 21392 – PR: Add macOS-arm64 target platform using M1 runner (Installers), by @mrclary
PR 21353 – PR: Initial Editor migration to the new API, by @dalthviz (12193)




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