摘要:Stellarium 是一款开源免费的观星应用,用户可以通过它看到太阳系中恒星、星座和行星的名称和模式。用户可以搜索特定的物体,并查看星系的图形和图像。 Stellarium 是领先的开源天文馆,自 2000 年以来有超过 2000 万用户使用。 我们的目标是将 Stellarium(一个已经有 18 年历史的项目)升…
Stellarium 是一款开源免费的观星应用,用户可以通过它看到太阳系中恒星、星座和行星的名称和模式。用户可以搜索特定的物体,并查看星系的图形和图像。 Stellarium 是领先的开源天文馆,自 2000 年以来有超过 2000 万用户使用。
我们的目标是将 Stellarium(一个已经有 18 年历史的项目)升级为一个最先进的天文引擎,根据潜在的大量在线成像和天空物体目录提供精确的夜空模拟。我们还积极致力于将Stellarium移植到各种设备上,如手机、Web 浏览器和物联网设备。
自 2011 年以来,我们的主要产品,屡获殊荣的 StellariumMobilePlus 是领先的 iOS 和 Android 天文馆模拟应用程序之一。我们最近还发布了 StellariumWeb 的第一个版本,Stellarium 在 Web 浏览器中运行。

Stellarium 中文版
用于天体探测的交互式 3D 环境
只要您运行应用程序,它就会以全屏模式打开。 只需在天空上点击一下,您就可以获得目标物体的详细信息,即类型(例如星星、双星、与星云相关的星团)、星等、银河经度和纬度、视差、距离、光谱类型和角度。
这些物体可以用望远镜来观察,望远镜可以根据名称、焦距和直径来配置。 此外,您还可以在地图上选择一个位置,然后选择纬度、经度、海拔高度和国家/地区以跳转到该位置。
这个程序提供的一个有趣的功能是有可能回到过去,看到星座的位置和天空中的其他细节。 您只需要在专用对话框中设置日期和时间,Stellarium 就会自动生成该时段的投影。
Stellarium 允许用户选择投影模式(鱼眼、圆柱、墨卡托),查看来自不同世界位置的景观,并从ZIP档案中添加新的景观,了解不同的天空文化。
总而言之,Stellarium 提供了出色的图像质量和一系列功能,使其成为所有类型的用户的理想工具,好奇心足以找到更多关于星座和其他天体的信息。
Stellarium 许可证
GPL v2
What’s new in Stellarium 24.2
Jun 23, 2024
Added ability to show an approximate limiting magnitude of devices in Oculars plug-in
Added support Twilight Factor and Relative Brightness for binoculars in Oculars plug-in
Added support Adler Index for binoculars in Oculars plug-in
Added support Bishop Index for binoculars in Oculars plug-in
Added more actions for Exoplanets plug-in
Added set of navigational stars from Nevil Maskelyne’s “The British Mariner’s Guide” published in 1764
Added discovery circumstances for newly discovered comets
Added partial solar eclipse opening angle
Added ability to follow CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR variable (GH: #3732)
Added ability to add/subtract great years via hotkeys
Added support for localization for solar eclipses maps
Added export of an equirectangular raster eclipse map
Added missing discovery circumstances for some comets
Added note for unmarked entries for Sources in Satellites plugin (GH: #3617)
Fixed eclipse artifacts (GH: #3729)
Fixed building Scenery3D plugin with Qt 6.7 (GH: #3763)
Fixed Russian translation of Belarusian SC description
Fixed image path in German translation of Greek (Farnese) SC
Fixed references in Romanian SC
Fixed Galician translation of Xhosa SC description
Fixed Italian translation of Anutan SC description
Fixed calculation of twilight factor (or dusk index) for binoculars in Oculars plug-in
Fixed hiding/restoring of star name display in Navigational Stars plugin (GH: #3728)
Fixed morphological description of DSO
Fixed output for CLI option –list-landscapes in Windows
Fixed solar radius
Fixed CLI output in Windows (GH: #3710)
Fixed generator of KML
Fixed properties for some periodic comets
Fixed remembering the sorting rules between updates in AstroCalc/Positions tool (GH: #3684)
Fixed failure to parse too small numbers with from_chars
Changed AstroCalc/Eclipses tool: check number of penumbra limits in terms of rise-set line
Changed AstroCalc/Eclipses tool: rewrite generation of shadow limits
Changed AstroCalc/Eclipses tool: rewrite AstroCalcDialog::getMaximumEclipseAtRiseSet
Changed AstroCalc/Eclipses tool: rewrite AstroCalcDialog::getRiseSetLineCoordinates
Changed core/AstroCalc: Move solar eclipse computations out from Planet.cpp
Changed core/AstroCalc: Move some solar eclipse computations from AstroCalcDialog
Changed core/AstroCalc: do not show earthshine during annular or high-percentage partial eclipses
Changed core/AstroCalc: refine max eclipse at rise/set curve
Changed core: force redraw of NomenclatureItems if needed (GH: #3706)
Changed core: rename sky culture change signal for better consistency
Changed core: switch off IAU moon numbers from screen labels
Changed Satellites plug-in: compactification of GUI
Changed Satellites plug-in: improve explanatory tooltip
Changed Remote Control plug-in: add and fix missing functions and features
Changed scaling limits, special for real planetariums
Changed GUI: minor clarification
Changed Satellites plugin: expanding photometry and RCS data for satellites
Changed Scenery3D plugin: rename variable for debugging of the shaders (GH: #3670)
Changed visual style: enable table borders by default in sky cultures
Changed visual style: use single lines between table cells in sky cultures
Updated Vanuatu (Netwar) sky culture: clarified the license with author
Updated Anutan sky culture: fix formatting
Updated Chinese sky culture: fix formatting
Updated Tibetian sky culture: rename an image to match the name in the links
Updated default catalog of exoplanets
Updated default list of locations
Updated default catalog of pulsars
Updated discovery circumstances data for minor planets
Updated discovery circumstances data for comets
Updated photometry of satellites
Updated planetary nomenclature
Updated group for RPM
Removed extraneous borders in tables in About dialogs of plugins (GH: #3742)
Removed config option for an AppImage (GH: #3726)