安装程序解包工具 Universal Extractor 2.0.0 RC 3 绿色便携中文版

摘要:Universal Extractor 绿色便携中文版由发布。Universal Extractor 是一个可以从任何类型的存档文件中提取文件的程序,无论是简单的 ZIP 文件、安装程序(如 Wise 或 NSIS),还是 Windows 安装程序 (.msi) 包。 正如其名…

Universal Extractor 绿色便携中文版发布。Universal Extractor 是一个可以从任何类型的存档文件中提取文件的程序,无论是简单的 ZIP 文件、安装程序(如 Wise 或 NSIS),还是 Windows 安装程序 (.msi) 包。

正如其名,Universal Extractor 是一个可以从任何类型的存档文件中提取文件的程序,无论是简单的 ZIP 文件、安装程序(如 Wise 或 NSIS),还是 Windows 安装程序 (.msi) 包。
该应用程序并不打算成为一个一般用途的归档程序,它绝不会代替 WinRAR,7-Zip 等。Universal Extractor 所做的只是允许你从几乎任何类型的存档中提取文件,而不必考虑其来源和压缩方法等。这一项目背后的原始动机是提供一个简单方便的途径以从安装包(例如 Inno Setup 或 Windows Installer 包)中提取文件,而无需每次使用命令行。

安装程序解包工具 Universal Extractor 2.0.0 RC 3 绿色便携中文版

安装程序解包工具 Universal Extractor 2.0.0 RC 3 绿色便携中文版 安装程序解包工具 Universal Extractor 中文版

Universal Extractor 的最新发布是1.6.1版本,其中包含了支持简体中文和繁体中文的语言文件,软件的使用十分方便,只要指定待提取的文件和目标文件夹,Universal Extractor 会自动分析文件类型并完成提取。通过在资源管理器中使用鼠标右键操作,更是可以一键完成提取。事实上,Universal Extractor 软件本身只是一个前端图形用户界面,它通过调用许多其它的程序来实现提取工作。

7-zip 存档
.7z, .exe
ACE 存档
ARC 存档
ARJ 存档
.arj, .exe
ASpack 压缩文件
.bin, .cue
bzip2 存档
.bz2, .tbz2, tar,bz2
CPIO 压缩文件
Debian 包
DiscJuggler CD-ROM 镜像
Encoded 文件
.b64, .uu, .uue, .xx, .xxe, .yenc, .ntx
Gentee 包
gzip 存档
.gz, .tgz, .tar.gz
IMG 软盘镜像
Inno Setup 包
Installer VISE 包
InstallShield Cabinet 存档
.cab, .1, .lib
InstallShield 包
ISO 9660 CD-ROM 镜像
KGB 存档
.kgb, kge, .exe
LZH 压缩文件
.lzh, .lha
LZMA 压缩文件
LZO 压缩文件
LZW 压缩文件
.Z, .tz, .tar.Z
LZX 压缩文件
Microsoft Cabinet 文档
.cab, .exe, .imf
Microsoft 已编译帮助文件
Microsoft 压缩文件
Microsoft LIT 电子书
Microsoft Windows 帮助文件
Nero CD-ROM 镜像
Oasis Document Format (ODF) 文档
.odt, .odp, .odg, .ods
Office Open XML (OOXML) 文档
.docx, .pptx, .xlsx
Outlook Express 邮件存档
PEA 存档
RAR 存档
.rar, .001, .exe
Reflexive Arcade 包
RoboForm 包
SetupFactory 包
SIS (SymbianOS) 包
StuffIt 包
TAR 存档
.tar, .tbz2, .tgz, .tz, .tar. bz2, .tar.gz, .tar.z
UPX 压缩文件
.exe, .dll
Windows Imaging Format 镜像
Windows Installer 包
Windows Installer 补丁
Windows Update 独立补丁
Wise Installer 包
ZIP 存档
.zip, .jar, .xpi, .wz, .exe
Zoo 存档


Universal Extractor 2.0.0 RC3 更新日志
Added support for MSCF installers
Added support for Amiga Disk Files using unADF
Added support for PDF files using Xpdf command line tools
Added support for hundreds of game archives using GARbro
Added support for Godot engine packages using godotdec
Added support for Actual Installer executables
Added support for Clickteam Install Creator installers using cicdec
Added support for newer Symbian Os packages using extsis (plugin)
Added unshield as the default extractor for InstallShield cab files, thanks to TAbdiukov
Fixed some installers being misdetected as InstallShield
Fixed swf exe extraction not terminating correctly
Fixed console window always being visible for extractions using definition files
Fixed file identification not working correctly for a few big executables
Fixed Wise extraction methods 3 and 4 always failing
Fixed some executables not being tested with 7zip
Fixed some FMOD sound banks not being fully extracted, thanks to Sakkade
Fixed some zip extractions being detected as failed, although they completed successfully
Fixed ‘NScripter archive’ false positives
Fixed problems with BCM, Bink, CHM, CreateInstall, FEAD, InstallShield Z, MSP, Reflexive Arcade Installers,
SQLite, SuperDAT, SWF, Thinstall, UU, VMDK, WMA extraction
Fixed ttarch extraction failing if UniExtract’s path contains spaces, thanks to wwh1004
Fixed ‘Game Select’ dialog being displayed in silent mode
Fixed batch mode not being enabled if directory is passed via command line
Fixed some extracted files could be lost if moving the file/folder failed, thanks to patrickdrd
Fixed context menu items not being shown if more than 15 files are selected
Fixed several UI issues, thanks to stdedos and wvxwxvw
Fixed rare problem during program files updates preventing some files from being downloaded correctly
Fixed crash when trying to send feedback while offline
Fixed possible extraction failure if file/directory locks could not be released quick enough
Fixed problems enabling context menu integration
Changed Wise extraction: E_WISE is now used automatically, the method select dialog only appears if it fails
Changed output directory input field to autofill after typing an input file path
Changed design/usability of ‘Unknown file type’, ‘Plugin missing’, ‘No language file found’ and ‘Unsupported file type’ error messages; FFmpeg and feedback prompts;
‘Batch mode duplicate’ warning
Changed drag and drop: when a folder is passed, all files in subfolders are added to batch mode as well
(this can be disabled by adding batchrecurse=0 to section ‘UniExtract Preferences’ in UniExtract.ini)
Changed ‘Remember window position’ option to also store window size, thanks to ltdeta
Improved speed of file type detection
Improved file type detection for .eml, .mht, .xz, some game archives
Improved detection of multipart archives when adding files to batch queue
Improved error detection for encrypted archives
Improved Visionaire extraction for many games: fixed file naming and corrupt webp images
Updated cicdec to 2.1.0
Updated demoleition to 0.61
Updated EnigmaVB unpacker to 0.58
Updated ExeInfo PE to
Updated godotdec to 2.1.0
Updated innounp to 0.49
Updated lzop to 1.04
Updated MediaInfo to 20.03
Updated mtee to 2.21
Updated PeaZip to 0.72
Updated Qt Linguist to 5.13.2
Updated QuickBMS to 0.10.1
Updated SQLite to 3.31.1
Updated UnRAR to 5.91; added x64 version
Updated unrpa to 2.3.0
Updated unshield to 1.4.d14d2e2 x86, thanks to lifenjoiner
Updated upx to 3.96
Updated WiX to 3.11.2
Updated Bulgarian translation, thanks to jekovcar
Updated Chinese (Simplified) translation, thanks to SeaHOH
Updated Dutch translation, thanks to Wouterdek
Updated French translation, thanks to Pierre le Lidgeu and zorbao
Updated German translation, thanks to Mr-Update
Updated Hungarian translation, thanks to hevesij
Updated Japanese translation, thanks to maboroshin
Updated Polish translation, thanks to Barnaba
Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) translation, thanks to igorruckert
Updated Russian translation, thanks to wvxwxvw
Updated Turkish translation, thanks to MinTR and Yakup Kök
Removed Arc-reader, brunsdec, Crass/Crage, disunity and ns2dec, replaced with GARbro
Removed XAce, replaced with acefile
Removed Extract NT, replaced with 7zip
Removed ExtractMht and MhtUnPack, replaced with 7zip and TotalObserver
Removed GCFScape and STIX, replaced with TotalObserver
Removed wtee, replaced with mtee






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