Norton AntiVirus 是一套强而有力的防毒软件,它可帮你侦测上万种已知和未知的病毒,并且每当开机时,自动防护便会常驻在System Tray,当你从磁盘、网路上、E-mail 夹档中开启档案时便会自动侦测档案的安全性,若档案内含病毒,便会立即警告,并作适当的处理。另外它还附有「LiveUpdate」的功能,可帮你自动连上 Symantec 的 FTP Server 下载最新的病毒码,於下载完后自动完成安装更新的动作。
Norton AntiVirus 病毒库x86.exe 适用与:
NAV 2000 for Win9x/NT/2000
NAV 2001 for Win95b/98/NT/2000/Me
NAV 2002 Professional Edition
NAV 2002 for Win98/Me/NT/2000/XP Home/XP Pro
NAV 3.0 & 4.0 for DOS/Win3x
NAV 4.0 for NetWare
NAV 4.0, 5.0 and 2000 for Win9x
NAV 4.0, 5.0 and 2000 for WinNT
NAV 6.0 & 7.x Corporate Edition
NAV for Gateways 2.x (WinNT/2000)
NAV for Internet Email Gateways 1.x (WinNT only)
NAV for Lotus Notes (Intel)
NAV for MS Exchange (Intel)
Norton NT Tools
Norton Utilities 2.0 for WinNT
pcAnywhere32 7.5 and higher for WinNT
Norton AntiVirus 病毒库i32.exe 适用与:
NAV 2000 for Win9x/NT/2000
NAV 2001 for Win95b/98/NT/2000/Me
NAV 2002 Professional Edition
NAV 2002 for Win98/Me/NT/2000/XP Home/XP Pro
NAV 4.0, 5.0 and 2000 for Win9x
NAV 4.0, 5.0 and 2000 for WinNT
NAV for Firewalls 1.5 or higher
NAV for Lotus Notes (Intel)
NAV for MS Exchange (Intel)
Norton SystemWorks (all versions)
Norton Utilities for Windows 95/98 (all versions)
pcAnywhere32 7.5 and higher for WinNT